Christmas in the World of College Athletics

Christmas Eve was not only a night of anticipation for kids all over the country but was also a rare night of teamwork among athletic departments too. Division 1 athletic departments went back and forth telling “The Night Before Christmas” in as many words 140 characters would allow.

Georgia Tech got it all started with this tweet.

Kansas State, one of the best accounts to follow, also jumped in on the early stages of the reading. Look at how they connected their locker room to the story.

ACC rival North Carolina was one several schools who sprung into the Twitter reading. Note all the accounts the Heels tagged in tweet just to say “I sprang from my bed.”

You can see the whole result of all the tweets on this link.

Other schools tweeted out their Christmas wishes in more traditional ways. A few that caught my eye included the American Athletic Conference as I finally know all the schools in the league thanks to these snowflakes.

Not to be outdone, the Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference had the same idea. Don’t care who came up with it first.

If Photoshop is your thing than shout out to Wisconsin Volleyball for their obvious elf hats to a team picture.

Arkansas State went to the comedy route as the Red Wolves played off their starting tight end Darion Griswold for having the same last name of family from the best Christmas movie ever.

Siena may be favorite of all them as the Saints took Christmas as a time to reflect and of course… to boast.

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