MACtion Fights Perceptions

Sticks and stones may break my bones but linebackers will never hurt me.

Sticks and stones may break my bones but linebackers will never hurt me.

Readers of my site know I have a soft spot for mid-major conferences and it goes double for the Mid-American Conference as I went to Ball State. So it’s pretty cool when the MAC tries to advertise itself or rebrand the schools in the league.

That’s pretty much the goal of the ad developed by 160over90. First, lets take a look at how the MAC tried to portray itself in the past. Most little commercials for the conference have tried to focus on sportsmanship pr unspecified traditions. Just like this ad for example.

Yep, nothing says #MACtion like a breakfast diner. Still, it’s a lot better than this throwback gem from 1998. Just hit it.

Now that you have a baseline you can see why the MAC could use some help here. Check out the finished result.

The ad taps into the Midwest angst and feeling of invisibility giving it an edge. MAC fans are used to being the underdog and that will probably never change.  We kind of like it that way. The site explains the perceptions a little further.

You can also create memes with school colors

if you want some trash talk with Big Ten fans.

While this campaign emphasizes the MAC does not need spotlight, it’s obvious some spotlight will help. MAC football has generally struggled in the attendance category, especially in November when schools play games during the week in frigid temperatures.  Fan passion varies from school to school as Northern Illinois and Western Michigan have passionate bases. Eastern Michigan not so much.

MACtion may speak louder than words but people have to see the MACtion first. Anything that can assist with being seen is a plus but the only success on the field will ultimately change perceptions. And we all know the latter is the hard part.